Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Food and Drink Specials for League Bowlers
$5 "City Wide" (PBR + shot of Bourbon)
$4 UV Vodka mix drinks
$5 Pickle Backs
$5 Chocolate White Russians
$10 Pitcher of High Life + a large bowl of tots
$10 Pitcher of Kenzinger or Walt Wit
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Individual Players Looking for Teams
I have added a page that lists some bowlers that have contacted me about joining a league, but do not have a team of their own. If you are struggling to have a team of 4 each week or you need an alternate at some point during the season, you can use this as a resource to get some more bowlers on your team. Keep in mind that these bowlers will need to have bowled 6 games during the season to be used in the playoffs.
take care,
Marshall Kavanaugh.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Week 3: Book Averages are no longer in use!
Week 3 is the last week where Book Averages are used. For returning bowlers, your average will reflect what you have bowled in the last three weeks. Good luck and hopefully the switch isn't too drastic.
You can view the most recent standing sheets for your league including your new average, by clicking your league's tab above!
take care,
Marshall Kavanaugh.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Winter Season 2011 - League Rules
North Bowl League
House Rules
Season: 2011 Commisioner: Marshall Kavanaugh
Line up:
- A legal line up is 4 bowlers per game. The 4 bowlers bowling must match the 4 names on the screen monitor.
- Team must notify Front Desk staff of changes/substitutions to be made.
- If one bowler is a no show, the team must notify the Front Desk staff
- That player’s score will be their average minus 10 pins, or a Blind Score.
- If there is not a 4th bowler, a Vacant score of 120 will be added.
Start Time/End Times:
- Leagues times are at 6:30pm and 9:30pm.
- This means that each team should plan to arrive at 6:15pm or 9:15pm to begin Warm-ups. Warm-ups end and teams must begin Scoring at 6:45pm or 9:45pm.
- Teams must notify the Front Desk staff to Blind out any bowlers that are not here by these times, and begin bowling.
- A bowler has until the bottom of the 4th frame of a game to get to North Bowl and bowl to catch up. Any later and they will remain blinded out and have to wait for the next game.
- Leagues must plan on ending by 9:15pm and 12:15am
- Any matches that go on beyond these times will be cut off at 9:30pm and 12:30pm with scoring for the match left where it is stopped.
- Obviously exceptions for this would be Lane Maintenance, etc., but keep in mind your lane may be shifted as a result
Attendance/Make-up Matches
1. A team must notify the league coordinator if they are unable to attend either by email at leagues@northbowlphilly.com or phone at 215-238-BOWL.
2. If a bowler or team would like to bowl a Make-up Match for a week they will miss, they must do it during the week prior to that match.
a. This is so that the opposing team will have scores to compete against.
3. A team that is a No-Show for two weeks in a row without written notice will be removed from the league. Please understand you are making a commitment to at least 10 weeks here at North Bowl. Plan ahead and make the necessary arrangements, such as arrange for alternates if you are unable to attend.
1. A new average is determined at the end of the night after 3 games rolled.
a. Before then that bowler’s average will be set as 120.
2. Bowlers that have bowled in a league before at North Bowl will have a Book Average for the first 3 weeks of a new season (or first 3 games if they do not bowl in those first three weeks).
a. A book average is their ending average from a previous season.
b. Bowlers who act as an alternate on a different night will have a Book Average for only the first 3 games they bowl in that league.
3. If a bowler becomes injured their average will be reset.
a. Injuries must be serious enough, to be determined by League President.
4. Handicap is based on 85% of the Difference between Team Averages. This is added to the team with the lower Team Average.
Ex. Team 1 has an average of 560, Team 2 has an average of 620.
620 – 560 = 60.
60 x 0.85 = 51
51 points will be added to Team 1’s total points each game.
5. In a normal mixed league at North Bowl, the most handicap points awarded to a team is 125 pins.
1. Playoff structure, brackets, prizes awarded, etc will be decided within the first three weeks of the season by league vote.
2. In order to participate with a team in a playoff match, a bowler must have bowled at least 6 games with that team during the season.
a. Exceptions may be made at the League President’s personal discretion.
1. Sliding pins: A pin must slide over at least one spot to become out of play.
a. Ex: A 1 pin cannot become a 5 pin.
b. Otherwise, please ask Mechanic to reset pin or to reset frame.
2. Be aware, new bowlers effect eventual scoring and match points due to their average being set at the end of the night.
3. Scores displayed on the TV monitors may not be correct. Correct scores can be attained at the end of the night at the Front Desk console.
4. If any mistakes are noticed in scores please contact your league Secretary or leagues@northbowlphilly.com.
League Fees:
1. League bowlers will owe $17 per bowler per week for up to 4 bowlers
a. If a bowler bowls less than 3 games, they will still owe this amount.
2. League fees are paid by each team up until the last week of playoffs.
3. Any fees left unpaid will be owed in the following week.
4. Teams that continue to not pay will be dropped from the league.
Winter League January 30th-May 3rd, 2011
The Winter 2011 season began on Sunday, January 30th with our new league Ten-Pin Jukebox.
We have 8 leagues this season:
Ten-Pin Jukebox (Sunday at 9:30pm)
Philly Minds in the Gutter (Monday at 6:30pm)
Blue Monday Bowling (Monday at 9:30pm)
Hipsters & Doofuses (Tuesday at 6:30pm)
Soul Bowl (Tuesday at 9:30pm)
Chutz Bowl (Wednesday at 6:30pm)
Urban Bowling League (Thursday at 6:30pm)
Beyond Thunder Bowl (Thursday at 9:30pm)
Good luck this season guys and we will see you at the lanes!
take care,
Marshall Kavanaugh